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AEB Endozym Antibotrytis – 500g

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Enzyme for treating musts rich in laccase and glucans. Reduces potential oxidation caused by Botrytis cinerea.

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Product Description

Enzyme. Pectolytic enzyme for the treatment of white and red, botrytis affected grapes. Reacts with polyphenoloxidases present in the must, inactivating them and enabling aromatic precursors to be preserved together with the coloring matter.

Additional Information

Weight1.3 lbs
Dimensions4 × 4 × 8 in
Packaging Size

We’re a supplier to the commercial winery, brewery, cidery & distillery industries across Canada & North America. Please fill in the form below to contact our in-house winemakers and sales consultants. We’ll get back to you within 1-2 working days.

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