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AEB NXT Zymasil Cider Bayanus – 500g

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Active dry yeast for cider production.

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NXT Zymasil Cider Bayanus is a cider making yeast ideal for fermenting both freshly pressed juice and juice from concentrate whether making sweet or dry ciders that are low or high ABV. This yeast has a short lag phase while giving a robust fermentation to produce a cider with a clean sensory profile that is dominated by the fruit.

Aroma & Flavour Characteristics

NXT Zymasil Cider Bayanus gives a clean fresh fruit aroma and flavour to the cider complementing a single apple variety cider or a blend. Volatile acidity is very low, as is sulphur (H2S) formation. The fermentation proceeds effectively to a pleasant dryness.

Weight1.2 lbs
Dimensions4 × 2.25 × 6 in

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We’re a supplier to the commercial winery, brewery, cidery & distillery industries across Canada & North America. Please fill in the form below to contact our in-house cider-making experts and sales consultants. We’ll get back to you within 1-2 working days.

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